德国HYDRO-BIOS公司 生物网口流量计
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德国HYDRO-BIOS公司 生物网口流量计
类别: 生物网口流量计
型号: 438 110/438 115
关键字: 生物网口流量计,数字流量计,网口流量计
供应商: 青岛水德科技有限公司
Digital Flow Meter
数字生物网口流量计(DigitalFlow Meter)
数字生物网口流量计订购信息: | |
438 110 数字生物网口流量计 | 438 115 数字生物网口流量计 |
数字生物网口流量计照片集: | |
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2.S. Falk-Petersen and C.C.E. Hopkins,1981.Ecologicalinvestigations on the zooplankton community of Balsfjorden,northern Norway: population dynamics of the euphausiids Thysanoessainermis (Kröyer), Thysanoessa raschii (M.Sars) and Meganyctiphanesnorvegica (M.Sars) in 1976 and 1977.Journal of PlanktonResearch.3(2): 177-192.
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10.Peter Beeck, Sandra Tauber, Stephanie Kiel, JostBorcherding,2002.0+ perch predation on 0+ bream: a case study in aeutrophic gravel pit lake.Freshwater Biology.47(12):2359–2369.
11.Olafur S. Astthorsson and Astthor Gislason,2003.Seasonalvariations in abundance, development and vertical distribution ofCalanus finmarchicus, C. hyperboreus and C. glacialis in the EastIcelandic Current.Journal of Plankton Research.25(7):843-854.
12.A.M.P. Santosa, A. Peliza, J. Dubertb, P.B. Oliveiraa, M.M.Angélicoa, P. Réc,2004.Impact of a winter upwelling event on thedistribution and transport of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) eggs andlarvae off western Iberia: a retention mechanism.Continental ShelfResearch.24(2):149–165.
13.J.Hein M. van Lieverlooa, Dick W. Bosboomb, Geo L. Bakkerc, AnkeJ. Brouwera, Remko Voogta, Josje E.M. De Roosd,2004.Sampling andquantifying invertebrates from drinking water distributionmains.Water Research.38(5):1101–1112.
14.Chih-hao Hsieh, Chih-Shin Chen, Tai-Sheng Chiu,2005.Compositionand abundance of copepods and ichthyoplankton in Taiwan Strait(western North Pacific) are influenced by seasonal monsoons.Marineand Freshwater Research.56(2):153–161.
15.Kwee Siong Tew, Wen-Tseng Lo,2005.Distribution of Thaliacea inSW Taiwan coastal water in 1997, with special reference to Doliolumdenticulatum, Thalia democratica and T. orientalis.Marine EcologyProgress Series.292:181-193.
16.Tien-Hsi Fang, Jiang-Shiou Hwang, Shih-Hui Hsiao, Hung-YuChen,2006.Trace metals in seawater and copepods in the oceanoutfall area off the northern Taiwan coast.Marine EnvironmentalResearch.61(2):224–243.
17.E. Gaard, A. Gislason, T. Falkenhaug, H. Søiland, E. Musaeva, A.Vereshchaka, G. Vinogradov,2008.Horizontal and vertical copepoddistribution and abundance on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in June2004.Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies inOceanography.55(1–2):59–71.
18.Peter Thor1, Torkel Gissel Nielsen, PeterTiselius,2008.Mortality rates of epipelagic copepods in thepost-spring bloom period in Disko Bay, western Greenland.MarineEcology Progress Series.359:151-160.
19.Cesar Vilas, Pilar Drake, Emilio Pascual,2009.Inter- andintra-specific differences in euryhalinity determine the spatialdistribution of mysids in a temperate European estuary.Journal ofExperimental Marine Biology and Ecology.369(2):165–176.
20.Enrique González-Ortegón, José A. Cuesta, Emilio Pascual, PilarDrake,2010.Assessment of the interaction between the white shrimp,Palaemon longirostris, and the exotic oriental shrimp, Palaemonmacrodactylus, in a European estuary (SW Spain).BiologicalInvasions.12(6):1731-1745.
21.Kesarkar, K.S., Anil, A.C.,2010.New species of Paracalanidaealong the west coast of India: Paracalanus arabiensis.Journal ofthe Marine Biological Association of the UnitedKingdom.90(2):399-408.
22.Iskender Gülle, Ismail Ibrahim Turna, Salim Serkan Güçlü, PinarGülle, Zekiye Güçlü,2010.Zooplankton Seasonal Abundance andVertical Distribution of Highly Alkaline Lake Burdur,Turkey.Turkish Journal of Fisheries and AquaticSciences.10:245-254.
23.Mianrun Chen, Bingzhang Chen, Paul Harrison, HongbinLiu,2011.Dynamics of mesozooplankton assemblages in subtropicalcoastal waters of Hong Kong: A comparative study between aeutrophic estuarine and a mesotrophic coastal site.ContinentalShelf Research.31(10):1075–1086.
24.Min-Chul Jang, Kyoungsoon Shin, Bonggil Hyun, Tongsup Lee andKeun-Hyung Choi,2013.Temperature-regulated egg production rate, andseasonal and interannual variations in Paracalanus parvus.Journalof Plankton Research.doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbt050.
更多关键字: 生物网口流量计,数字流量计,网口流量计, DigitalFlow Meter,流量计
成立日期 | 2019年11月07日 | ||
法定代表人 | 张国豪 | ||
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- 德国HYDRO-BIOS公司 自动水样采集器操作深度:30米/100米
- 德国HYDRO-BIOS公司 Manta微塑料采样网开口:30x15cm
- 德国HYDRO-BIOS公司 初级生产力培养器尺寸:510×325×20mm
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